I went to the Fair! It was sooo fun! It was better than what i thought it would be! It was my second time going because i went with my friend aubrey the day before but i didn't have my camera so then i went the next day with my whole family! There were tents to buy things, rides, so many games, and there was a tent that was my favorite! It was my favorite because i got to hold a scorpion and a tarantula!!! (sorry i probably spelt that wrong!) It was so cool! The scorpion was probably 5-6 inches long! It was soo big and black! It was a emporer scorpion.
Then the tarantula was about 4 inches long! it was so furry and when he pulled it off there was a little hook or something and it was stuck to my hand for about 2 seconds but it still pulled a little skin up. It was so cool lookin!
Then after that we got to go to the petting zoo! It was so fun! and while we were in there
we got to milk a goat it was so cool but kinda gross! This is me!
But i got to pet sheep, goats, cows, pigs, a donkey, and a llama! They were the cutest things ever! I love cows big eyes with the long eye lashes!
This is me and my brothers petting a cow!
I didn't get any pictures of the other animals but it was so fun! i am so glad i got to go!
i cant' belive that you held those! even tho i saw it myself!!! i'm happy we both got to milk a goat! even tho it was gross-2 me! YOU are the bomb
love your BLOOD sister
thank you shaylee it just hurts right now but i am really sorry i cant come to young womens tonight - stupid armpitt haha. we need to hang out tho k! call me oh and guess what! my braces are hot pink, lime green and black now! moowha ha ha
i colored my hair hahahahahaHA and guess what! it aint blonde! tee hee!
love your BLOOD sister
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